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Ascelia Pharma: SPARKLE clears the primary endpoint without weavering - Redeye

Ascelia achieved the vital objective to secure a re-reader evaluation of SPARKLE by May 2024. All three readers cleared the primary endpoint with a strong p-value of >0,001. Equally important SPARKLE delivered the primary endpoint based on acceptable variability. We look forward to a a deeper insight into secondary endponts later in 2024 and 2025 during scientific publications and presentations. Ascelia is now in a position to advance potential partner discussion ahead of the launch.

Ascelia achieved the vital objective to secure a re-reader evaluation of SPARKLE by May 2024. All three readers cleared the primary endpoint with a strong p-value of >0,001. Equally important SPARKLE delivered the primary endpoint based on acceptable variability. We look forward to a a deeper insight into secondary endponts later in 2024 and 2025 during scientific publications and presentations. Ascelia is now in a position to advance potential partner discussion ahead of the launch.
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