aXichem: Files Patent Application for Phenylcapsaicin as a Bio-Enhancer for Cytochrome P450, Regulating the Active Substance Melatonin - Redeye
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aXichem: Files Patent Application for Phenylcapsaicin as a Bio-Enhancer for Cytochrome P450, Regulating the Active Substance Melatonin - Redeye

Redeye endorses aXichem filing a patent application for phenylcapsaicin as a bio-enhancer for substrates of certain Cytochrome P450 Isoforms involved in the metabolism of several common pharmaceuticals. This is of course interesting and could potentially strengthen the company’s position in both the pharma and the nutraceuticals segment.

Redeye endorses aXichem filing a patent application for phenylcapsaicin as a bio-enhancer for substrates of certain Cytochrome P450 Isoforms involved in the metabolism of several common pharmaceuticals. This is of course interesting and could potentially strengthen the company’s position in both the pharma and the nutraceuticals segment.
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