Balco: A cyclical dent to a structural story - SEB
Bildkälla: Stockfoto

Balco: A cyclical dent to a structural story - SEB

Similar to Q2, we argue prevailing uncertainties amid rising interest rates and cost inflation should mute near-term order intake in Balco, a leading provider of glazed balcony solutions providing energy savings for buildings. In anticipation of a weak start in mainly the first half of next year, we largely remove our sales and earnings growth projections in full-year 2023. We set our revised DCF-based mid-point equity value at SEK 100 (SEK 120).

Similar to Q2, we argue prevailing uncertainties amid rising interest rates and cost inflation should mute near-term order intake in Balco, a leading provider of glazed balcony solutions providing energy savings for buildings. In anticipation of a weak start in mainly the first half of next year, we largely remove our sales and earnings growth projections in full-year 2023. We set our revised DCF-based mid-point equity value at SEK 100 (SEK 120).
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