Bergs Timber: CMD: growth with increased margins - ABG
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Bergs Timber: CMD: growth with increased margins - ABG

Bergs Timber hosted a CMD yesterday
More value-added wood products
Targets to grow 10% p.a. organically and via M&A
CMD: more value-added wood products
Bergs Timber hosted a CMD yesterday. Bergs focuses on growth with increased margins (more value-added wood products) and it gave an update on its growth investments. The company has identified investments of SEK 500m for ’21-’23, with its key growth focus being value-added wood products such as wood protection and joinery. It sees annual market growth of 20-25% for Linax, fire protection and special treatments (wood protection) and Bergs has announced that it will triple its Linax capacity. Within Joinery, the company has acquired PTPG, it will increase its doors/windows capacity by 50%, increase capacity for garden products and it sees potential to double sales from Timber Windows in four years (expand into other countries). The company is also optimistic about the market for wood products, and it sees strong order books for ’22.

Targets to grow 10% p.a. organically and through M&A
Following the divestment of its Swedish sawmills, Bergs is now a more downstream-focused company with less cyclicality in its earnings and exposure to structurally growing end-markets (building with wood is more environmentally friendly). Its remaining assets are modern and well-invested, so cash flow generation will be strong. We see plenty of room to grow, both organically and inorganically. Bergs Timber targets annual growth of 10% (both organically and via M&A) and EBITDA margins of 9%. We expect Bergs to achieve higher and more stable group margins as value-added wood products makes up a larger share of its earnings.

Strong price momentum in ’21, but price adjustments likely
Bergs product prices have seen strong price momentum the last year: sawn wood prices increased 140% and wood protection prices followed. EBITDA margins improved from 10% in Q3’20 to 22% in Q3’21. Key sawn goods indicators have shown weakness lately (but note that the
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