Capman: Strong year behind, more to come - Evli
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Capman: Strong year behind, more to come - Evli

CapMan is set to finish a year of solid performance. With the news on CapMan’s NRE fund we have shifted our end of the year carry expectations to 2022 but our views on CapMan remain unchanged.

CapMan’s NRE fund set to enter carry early 2022

CapMan will report its Q4 results on February 3rd. We expect to see a steady q/q earnings trend and overall good finish to a year of solid performance. CapMan announced in early January that the CapMan Nordic Real Estate fund had made exits in several properties, with the fund set to start distributing carry after the completion of those transactions. After the transactions the fund will have four assets remaining in Denmark and Sweden. As such, we have shifted most of the carry we had estimated in Q4/21 to Q1/22. Apart from that, our estimates remain essentially intact. We expect an operating profit of EUR 10.7m. During 2021 CapMan has seen y/y comparable earnings improvement across the board, most notably within Investment services due to the weak comparison year. We expect a dividend proposal or EUR 0.15 per share (2020: EUR 0.14), for an implied dividend yield of 5.1%..

Room for further earnings improvement in 2022

CapMan does not give a numeric guidance and we do not expect one to be given for 2022. We expect carried interest to be a key driver in further earnings improvement, with the NRE fund moving into carry. Growth in AUM is expected to contribute to continued growth in fee-based earnings, with several on-going and planned fundraising projects. Investment returns have been strong during 2021, and we remain more modest in our expectations for 2022.

BUY with a target price of EUR 3.4

Apart from the shift in carried interest we have made no notable changes to our estimates ahead of the Q4 results. The recent market uncertainty potentially presents some headwind but at the same time the news on carried interest provides an additional confidence factor. We retain our BUY-rating and target price of EUR 3.4.
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