Bildkälla: Stockfoto

GiG: Acquisition of AskGamblers supports margin expansion - Redeye

Redeye has updated estimates and valuation on GiG after the announced acquisitoin of Askgamblers which supports the company's target and our view of expanding margins going forward. We increase our valuation range and our new base case stands at SEK45 (SEK40) with a bull case of SEK71 (SEK60) and a bear case of SEK26 (SEK24).

Redeye has updated estimates and valuation on GiG after the announced acquisitoin of Askgamblers which supports the company's target and our view of expanding margins going forward. We increase our valuation range and our new base case stands at SEK45 (SEK40) with a bull case of SEK71 (SEK60) and a bear case of SEK26 (SEK24).
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