Gofore: Promising standings for 2022 - SEB
Bildkälla: Stockfoto

Gofore: Promising standings for 2022 - SEB

At SEB's Nordic Seminar, CEO Mikael Nylund provided a solid overview on the company that has outperformed its peers in terms of growth and profitability during the past years. Building on a holistic digi-native service offering and next generation IT service competences, we believe the company remains well positioned to capture the growth opportunities that are being driven by Covid-19, Finnish healthcare reform, digitalisation megatrend, and M&A.

At SEB's Nordic Seminar, CEO Mikael Nylund provided a solid overview on the company that has outperformed its peers in terms of growth and profitability during the past years. Building on a holistic digi-native service offering and next generation IT service competences, we believe the company remains well positioned to capture the growth opportunities that are being driven by Covid-19, Finnish healthcare reform, digitalisation megatrend, and M&A.
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