Despite continued headwinds, FY’22 guidance remains Despite continuing to face headwinds from some component challenges and a shortage of engineers, FY'22 guidance is reiterated at revenues of SEK 264-292m (ABGSCe 278, cons. 281) and an EBIT margin of "Better than -15%) (ABGSCe -13%, cons. -12%). The management remain confident in the ability of delivering improved financials throughout H2’22.
ABGSC hosted conference call at 10:00 CET Overall a neutral to slight positive report, despite Q2'22 being weaker than expected, the outlook slightly improves, with FY’22 guidance being reiterated and new orders received in Q2 are having a higher degree of high margin products orders, improving the profitability of the order backlog. Lastly, ABGSC will host the management for a post Q2’22 conference call today, at 10:00 CET.
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