Hexatronic: Redeye’s View of Viceroy’s Claims - Redeye
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Hexatronic: Redeye’s View of Viceroy’s Claims - Redeye

Redeye disagrees with Viceroy’s statements suggesting weak organic growth in acquisitions and soft operating cash flow in Q1 2023. Regarding organic growth in acquisitions, our calculations suggest, in contrast, that organic growth in acquisitions has been strong. Operating cash flow in Q1 was soft, but we believe it is due to seasonality and Hexatronic’s high growth. We retain our positive view of Hexatronic.

Redeye disagrees with Viceroy’s statements suggesting weak organic growth in acquisitions and soft operating cash flow in Q1 2023. Regarding organic growth in acquisitions, our calculations suggest, in contrast, that organic growth in acquisitions has been strong. Operating cash flow in Q1 was soft, but we believe it is due to seasonality and Hexatronic’s high growth. We retain our positive view of Hexatronic.
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