Innofactor: Continued steady performance - Evli Research
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Innofactor: Continued steady performance - Evli Research

Q2 well in line with our expectations

Innofactor reported its Q2 results, which were well in line with our expectations. Revenue grew 3.2% y/y, 7.6% organically, to EUR 17.3m (Evli 17.3m). Revenue growth turned positive again in all countries. EBITDA and EBIT amounted to EUR 2.1m (Evli 2.2m) and EUR 1.3m (Evli EUR 1.4m) respectively, with all other countries except Sweden showing positive figures. The order backlog continued to grow nicely, up 28% y/y to EUR 72.7m. Innofactor reiterated its guidance, expecting revenue and EBITDA to increase compared to 2020. Innofactor made an early repayment of loans for EUR 2.7m, improving the equity ratio and net gearing to 49.9% and 30.5% respectively, while still leaving the cash position on par with 2020 year-end figures. All in all, the Q2 report was quite neutral and held little significant new information.

No notable changes to our estimates

We have made essentially no changes to our estimates. We expect revenue in 2021 to grow 3.4% EUR 68.4m and EBIT (excl. PPA and Prime divestment) to improve to EUR 6.0m (2020: EUR 4.4m). We expect slight pick-up in growth during H2 accounting for the impact of COVID-19 on 2020 comparison figures supported by the solid order backlog. Positive signs in the other Nordic countries speak for a potential pick-up in the growth pace, with growth recently having been driven to a larger extent by Finland.

BUY with a target price of EUR 2.2

With no essential changes to our estimates or view on Innofactor as an investment case we retain our BUY-rating and target price of EUR 2.2. Our target price values Innofactor at a slight discount to peers on adj. multiples, which we still consider fair given the lower growth pace.

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