Innofactor: Well in line with expectations - Evli
Bildkälla: Stockfoto

Innofactor: Well in line with expectations - Evli

Innofactor’s Q1 results were in line with our expectations. Net sales amounted to EUR 17.8m (Evli EUR 17.9m), while EBITDA amounted to EUR 4.7m (Evli EUR 4.8m). EBITDA included a one-off of approx. EUR 2.6m related to the Prime business divestment.

Guidance reiterated: Innofactor’s net sales and EBITDA in 2021 are estimated to increase compared to 2020 (net sales and EBITDA EUR 66.3m and EUR 7.2m respectively).

Rating; buy, target price 2,2 EUR
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