Intervacc: Strangvac now formally approved in Europe - ABG
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Intervacc: Strangvac now formally approved in Europe - ABG

European Commission grants marketing authorisation
Next step: commercial preparations and sales roll-out
Continuing to execute according to communicated plans

Following the positive CVMP opinion in June, Intervacc has announced that it has received formal marketing authorisation from the European Commission for its equine strangles vaccine Strangvac. The next regulatory milestone could be a formal approval in the UK in the coming days, following a positive outcome from the VMD in the UK on 2 July. Strangvac is the first Swedish animal health vaccine to be approved through the centralised procedure and addresses a great unmet medical need: there has not been a safe, efficacious and easy to administer equine strangles vaccines such as Strangvac. We believe that this regulatory experience can be learned from, to reduce processing time as Intervacc executes on its vaccine pipeline.

While the European commercialisation and US regulatory progress of Strangvac remains a priority for Intervacc, we look forward to further updates regarding the preclinical vaccine candidates targeting piglets and dairy cows – based on the same proprietary recombinant vaccine technology platform as Strangvac.
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