Inzile: QEV Tech chosen for Barcelona Electromobility HUB - Redeye
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Inzile: QEV Tech chosen for Barcelona Electromobility HUB - Redeye

The governments of Spain and Catalonia announced recently that they will endorse QEV Technologies’ proposal to take over the Nissan factory in Barcelona. This is certainly great news for Inzile, as it will provide opportunities to access facilities for scale production of its new vehicles. Only limited information has been published so far. But we are hoping that Inzile will soon get back with more details on how this fits into their business plans.

The governments of Spain and Catalonia announced recently that they will endorse QEV Technologies’ proposal to take over the Nissan factory in Barcelona. This is certainly great news for Inzile, as it will provide opportunities to access facilities for scale production of its new vehicles. Only limited information has been published so far. But we are hoping that Inzile will soon get back with more details on how this fits into their business plans.
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