IRLAB Therapeutics: Pirepemat fails Ph 2b REACT-PD - ABG
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IRLAB Therapeutics: Pirepemat fails Ph 2b REACT-PD - ABG

42% decrease of fall rate with pirepemat...
...but no stat. significance vs. placebo group
Analyses ongoing, but very likely the end for pirepemat

Pirepemat does not reduce falls vs. placebo

Today IRLAB reported the topline results of the Ph 2b REACT-PD study testing pirepemat to reduce falls in patients with Parkinson's disase. While the 600 mg arm of the study (high dose group) showed a reduction in fall rate by 42%, the difference to the placebo group (no numerical value shared) was not statistically significant. 146 patients were screened, whereof 104 were randomized and only 90 completed the 12w treatment period. IRLAB communicated that an improvement in cognitive impairment (MoCA) was observed, but it did not reach stat. significance either. Adverse events were at 70% across all three study arms (two active, one placebo). As a reminder, the study tested daily 600 mg pirepemat vs. 300 mg pirepemat vs. placebo.
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