Maha Energy: Q3 EBITDA in line with ABGSCe - ABG
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Maha Energy: Q3 EBITDA in line with ABGSCe - ABG

EBITDA of USD 12.9m, in line with ABGSCe
No explicit revisions to guidance
Webcast today at 16:00CET

Maha reported Q3 production of 3.6kboe/d, close to ABGSCe at 3.7kboe/d. The reported EBITDA came in at USD 12.9m, which is in line with ABGSCe at USD 12.9, and close to consensus at USD 13.1m. FCF and NIBD was also close to expectations.

Maha will host a webcast today at 16:00CET. Tie-4 drilling performance and impact on FY’21 production will be in focus in our view.
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