MAHA Energy: Sale of Maha Brazil will result in cash larger than market cap - Penser
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MAHA Energy: Sale of Maha Brazil will result in cash larger than market cap - Penser

A company undergoing transformation Since Starboard became the main shareholder of Maha at the end of September, it has started a transformation of the company. So far, two major transactions have been announced: the sale of Maha Brazil, which includes Tie and Tartaruga; and the acquisition of DBO 2.0, which adds two offshore O&G assets in Brazil. It has also carried out a directed share issue that strengthened the finances and broadened the ownership base, and it is collecting bids for the US assets. We believe this is only the beginning.

A company undergoing transformation Since Starboard became the main shareholder of Maha at the end of September, it has started a transformation of the company. So far, two major transactions have been announced: the sale of Maha Brazil, which includes Tie and Tartaruga; and the acquisition of DBO 2.0, which adds two offshore O&G assets in Brazil. It has also carried out a directed share issue that strengthened the finances and broadened the ownership base, and it is collecting bids for the US assets. We believe this is only the beginning.
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