Nanologica focus the continued development of the inhalation platform NLAB Spiro - Redeye
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Nanologica focus the continued development of the inhalation platform NLAB Spiro - Redeye

Nanologica focus on the continued development of the inhalation platform NLAB Spiro after closing the NIC-001 project (gastroparesis) earlier this autumn. Nanologica has also added prospects in the preparative (Chromatography) business. When prospects are converted into deliveries Nanologica can take advantage of its increased its Silica production capacity. Nanologica's objective remains to convert additional pipeline opportunities over the next 6 to 18 months.

Nanologica focus on the continued development of the inhalation platform NLAB Spiro after closing the NIC-001 project (gastroparesis) earlier this autumn. Nanologica has also added prospects in the preparative (Chromatography) business. When prospects are converted into deliveries Nanologica can take advantage of its increased its Silica production capacity. Nanologica's objective remains to convert additional pipeline opportunities over the next 6 to 18 months.
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