Q-linea Q2: Reducing the OPEX base in a quarter where commercial progress are balanced by stretched liquidity - Redeye
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Q-linea Q2: Reducing the OPEX base in a quarter where commercial progress are balanced by stretched liquidity - Redeye

Q-linea has reduced the OPEX by SEK 50m annually, suggesting a reduced OPEX run-rate to SEK 40-45m. ASTar is making progress in Belgium, Italy and the US. With support from the key owner Nexttobe, we expect Q-linea to secure access to additional growth capital within six months. Our base case ahead of Q2 was SEK 6 (Bull SEK 20 and Bear SEK 1).

Q-linea has reduced the OPEX by SEK 50m annually, suggesting a reduced OPEX run-rate to SEK 40-45m. ASTar is making progress in Belgium, Italy and the US. With support from the key owner Nexttobe, we expect Q-linea to secure access to additional growth capital within six months. Our base case ahead of Q2 was SEK 6 (Bull SEK 20 and Bear SEK 1).
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