Seafire: Daniel Repfenning appointed as new CEO - SEB
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Seafire: Daniel Repfenning appointed as new CEO - SEB

The Board of Seafire has appointed Daniel Repfennig as the new CEO. He assumes his position as soon as possible, but on 16 September at the latest. Repfennig has many years experience in corporate development and investment operations at Ratos, Solix and most recently as a director at Polaris Private Equity. Prior to this, he worked as a management consultant at Arthur D. Little.

The Board of Seafire has appointed Daniel Repfennig as the new CEO. He assumes his position as soon as possible, but on 16 September at the latest. Repfennig has many years experience in corporate development and investment operations at Ratos, Solix and most recently as a director at Polaris Private Equity. Prior to this, he worked as a management consultant at Arthur D. Little.
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