Tobii: A mixed bag of estimate revisions ahead of Q1 - SEB
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Tobii: A mixed bag of estimate revisions ahead of Q1 - SEB

Ahead of the Q1 results we have adjusted our estimates to reflect 1) the supply chain disruptions in Dynavox, 2) a more pronounced return of opex related to sales and marketing after the pandemic, and 3) updated FX rates. Overall, this leads us to lower our estimates for 2021 and increase our estimates for 2022, while our 2023 estimates are largely unchanged. Our new fair value range is SEK 62-74 with a mid-point value of SEK 68.

In our view, Tobii’s investment case is binary in the sense that Tech constitutes a large swing factor. Dynavox and Pro have proven themselves, whereas Tech is at an early stage in its S-curve. Upside could be significant if abovementioned wins are announced.
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