Tobii: A quarter impacted by supply-chain disruptions - SEB
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Tobii: A quarter impacted by supply-chain disruptions - SEB

Ahead of Q2, we make minor estimate changes mainly pertaining to supply-chain disruptions within Dynavox peaking, although we expect most of the deferred revenue to come back in H2 and 2022. We stick to our view that the key trigger in Tobii is the spin-off of Dynavox, where long-term potential, mainly in XR (and since last week – automotive), can become more tangible and materialise value. Our SOTP-based fair value is SEK 72-99 (mid-point 85).

Ahead of Q2, we make minor estimate changes mainly pertaining to supply-chain disruptions within Dynavox peaking, although we expect most of the deferred revenue to come back in H2 and 2022. We stick to our view that the key trigger in Tobii is the spin-off of Dynavox, where long-term potential, mainly in XR (and since last week – automotive), can become more tangible and materialise value. Our SOTP-based fair value is SEK 72-99 (mid-point 85).
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