Tobii: No worries - SEB
Bildkälla: Stockfoto

Tobii: No worries - SEB

The Q1 numbers were not a miss, but comprised fewer quality components than we had hoped for. We reiterate that the case relies on upcoming triggers. Our impression following the report is that design wins within Automotive could be such triggers, which the investor community previously has rewarded. We lower our estimates for revenues and gross profit by 3-5% and for opex by a similar magnitude. Our fair value remains at SEK 42.

The Q1 numbers were not a miss, but comprised fewer quality components than we had hoped for. We reiterate that the case relies on upcoming triggers. Our impression following the report is that design wins within Automotive could be such triggers, which the investor community previously has rewarded. We lower our estimates for revenues and gross profit by 3-5% and for opex by a similar magnitude. Our fair value remains at SEK 42.
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