Estimates and outlook Will discontinues GPDx (except those related to Reproduction) and oncology business within Genetic Services. Furthermore, it has cut staff in Genetic Services by 7% at the end of the quarter. The long-term outlook for the market to grow 5-10% is reiterated and the report does not mention any concern regarding the weaker outlook for consumers. The beat mechanically increases cons EBITDA by 2%. We expect the consensus to increase their sales for H2 and increase margin on the back of the cuts in Genetic Services, and Cons ‘22e EBITDA could come up 5%
Conference call at 10.00 There is a teleconference at 10.00 CET. Details: Sweden dial in number: +46 (0)8 5664 2754 International dial in number: +44 (0)330 165 3641 Läs mer på ABG Sundal Collier