Waystream: Order of size from Norway - Redeye
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Waystream: Order of size from Norway - Redeye

Redeye views the news favorably this morning on a sizable order for Waystream from their Norwegian partner NetNordic. The order for 300 switches consists of a large number of the ASR8048, the company prestige product. It is positive that the company now is getting follow-up orders from NetNordic and shows a strong offering outside the Swedish market, which is a requisite for long-term success.

The earlier news that a new CEO in Fredrik Lundberg is coming in is also positive, although the current CEO has done an excellent job in transforming the company.

We do not expect to make any material changes to our estimates after this order, even though we are encouraged by the progress made. We reiterate our positive stance on the company with a base case of SEK 20 per share.
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