Endomines: Growth in production and resources - Evli
Bildkälla: Stockfoto

Endomines: Growth in production and resources - Evli

Endomines releases its H2/24 results on 13th of February. Despite experiencing some production issues in the fourth quarter, we estimate that net sales growth has led to improved profitability for Pampalo. We increase our TP to EUR 8.3 while revise recommendation to REDUCE (prev. HOLD) to match the updated ratings methodology.

Endomines releases its H2/24 results on 13th of February. Despite experiencing some production issues in the fourth quarter, we estimate that net sales growth has led to improved profitability for Pampalo. We increase our TP to EUR 8.3 while revise recommendation to REDUCE (prev. HOLD) to match the updated ratings methodology.
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