Dala Energi Q4 2024: Voluntary share redemption price of SEK135 announced - Redeye
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Dala Energi Q4 2024: Voluntary share redemption price of SEK135 announced - Redeye

Redeye shares its initial thoughts on Dala Energi’s Q4 report, where the main highlight of the quarter was the Nordion transaction, which boosted Q4 earnings and cash flow significantly. In conjunction with the report, Dala Energi proposed a conversion price of SEK135 per share in the voluntary share redemption program (for 50% of the shares) that will take place later this year – a level we consider attractive. We are also positive about the proposed ordinary dividend being increased by 100%.

Redeye shares its initial thoughts on Dala Energi’s Q4 report, where the main highlight of the quarter was the Nordion transaction, which boosted Q4 earnings and cash flow significantly. In conjunction with the report, Dala Energi proposed a conversion price of SEK135 per share in the voluntary share redemption program (for 50% of the shares) that will take place later this year – a level we consider attractive. We are also positive about the proposed ordinary dividend being increased by 100%.
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