Alcadon: Major strategic order win in Germany could lift 2022 EBIT by 25% - SEB
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Alcadon: Major strategic order win in Germany could lift 2022 EBIT by 25% - SEB

Alcadon Group, a leading distributor of premium network equipment, has announced an important order win with Deutsche Glasfarer, a dominant player in the German FTTH market. From the end of this year, the yearly order value equals EUR 20m for the three years to 2024. Assuming a margin of 10-12%, that corresponds to annual increases of SEK 22m, or 25% of our EBIT forecast for 2022 and 23% of 2023. Our current mid-point DCF equity value is SEK 60/share.

Alcadon Group, a leading distributor of premium network equipment, has announced an important order win with Deutsche Glasfarer, a dominant player in the German FTTH market. From the end of this year, the yearly order value equals EUR 20m for the three years to 2024. Assuming a margin of 10-12%, that corresponds to annual increases of SEK 22m, or 25% of our EBIT forecast for 2022 and 23% of 2023. Our current mid-point DCF equity value is SEK 60/share.
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