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Alcadon: New CEO brings a useful toolbox - SEB

We expect Q4/24 to resemblance Q3/24 and forecast Q4 sales and adj. EBITA of SEK 436m and SEK 26m respectively. We believe new CEO Mr. Valentin will focus on Alcadon’s profitability and capital efficiency ahead, using P/WC as his guiding star. After a change of analyst, we revise our estimate profile and change our mid-point equity value to SEK 45 (65).

We expect Q4/24 to resemblance Q3/24 and forecast Q4 sales and adj. EBITA of SEK 436m and SEK 26m respectively. We believe new CEO Mr. Valentin will focus on Alcadon’s profitability and capital efficiency ahead, using P/WC as his guiding star. After a change of analyst, we revise our estimate profile and change our mid-point equity value to SEK 45 (65).
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