B3 Consulting Group: No one is immune against a weak market - ABG
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B3 Consulting Group: No one is immune against a weak market - ABG

Sales -3% vs. ABGSCe, adj. EBIT -28% vs. ABGSCe
Drop in utilisation lowered sales by ~8% y-o-y alone
Proactive in stopping underperforming start-ups

Q4'23 report

B3 generated Q4'23 net sales of SEK 294m (-3% vs. ABGSCe 302m) and adj. EBIT SEK ~17m (-28% vs. ABGSCe 24m). Compared to FactSet consensus estimates, reported sales was 1% above while adj. EBIT was 10% below. This quarter was characterised by the same factors that adversely impacted Q3 figures: low utilisation, which in turn is driven by low, general demand. The proposed dividend per share was SEK 3.5 (vs. ABGSCe SEK 4.5, cons. SEK 4.0), implying a similar dividend yield to Knowit.
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