Catella: Promising road ahead - ABG
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Catella: Promising road ahead - ABG

Core business drives solid beat in Q2’21
Including Principal Investment projects lifts estimates
EV/EBIT of 5x for 2022e

Catella reported a strong Q2’21 where the biggest drivers were continued AUM growth in Property Investment Management (PIM) and a busy quarter for its Corporate Finance department, which acted as advisor on several large transactions. Adjusting for the wind-down of IPM, the group reported an adjusted EBIT of SEK 113m, up 55% y-o-y and 65% above ABGSCe. Looking at the operational segments, operating profit in Corporate Finance posted one of the strongest reported quarters in many years at SEK 43m, compared to ABGSCe at SEK 9m. The property investment management segment reported operating profit of SEK 84m, which was 17% higher than ABGSC at SEK 72m. As was the case last year, operating profit in the PIM segment was strengthened by performance fees from the Catella European Residential Fund, a property fund that has achieved a level where it now attracts performance-based fees.

Including the divestment of Principal Investment projects leads to positive EBIT revisions for 2022 and 2023, and Catella now trades at a 2022e EV/EBIT of 5x.
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