• Medical (MBU) top line declined by 27.0% y/y to EUR 10.8m vs our EUR 11.7m estimate. Decrease in sales was attributable to both a new anticorruption campaign in China and a high comparison period.
• Security (SBU) revenue increased by 13.7% y/y to EUR 9.7m, compared to our EUR 9.1m estimate. Activity and demand continued to recover in all security applications and especially in aviation.
• Industrial (IBU) grew by 1.6% to EUR 4.0m vs our EUR 4.0m estimate. Sales were negatively impacted by low food industry demand.
• DT expects its revenue to grow in Q4’23 (all segments grow, high single-digit growth in group revenue) as well as in Q1’24. China should grow too in Q4.