Gaming Innovation Group: New Platform & SB CEO announced - ABG
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Gaming Innovation Group: New Platform & SB CEO announced - ABG

Richard Carter will take the helm, joining on 18 SepExtensive experience, e.g., as CEO of SBTech for ~5 yearsPlans to split the company remain on track

New CEO appointed for Platform & Sportsbook
GiG has announced its new CEO for the Platform and Sportsbook division ahead of the planned split, Richard Carter. After the current Group CEO Richard Brown announced stepping down, the company began the search for a new Platform & Sportsbook CEO, and we believe it has found a great fit given the extensive experience Mr. Carter has, for instance heading the B2B supplier SBTech for almost 5 years as CEO, as well as being the CEO of the B2B supplier Bragg Gaming for just over 1 year.

One element of uncertainty is reduced
We are eager to hear more about Mr Carter's thoughts about the business and his strategy going forward. As of today, we expect a continued focus on organic growth, coupled with further margin improvement as a result of the scalable business model. The appointment reduces an element of uncertainty, as the Group CEO Richard Brown, who is stepping down, delivered great results in our view, and could have been difficult to replace with similar experience.

Separation plans remain on track
The company seems to continue to be on track for its planned separation of its two divisions Platform & Sportsbook, and Media, with endeavours of optimising growth opportunities for the respective entities.

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