Generic: Solid Q3, softer outlook for '24e - ABG
Bildkälla: Stockfoto

Generic: Solid Q3, softer outlook for '24e - ABG

15% organic sales growth y-o-y
Inera volumes slightly delayed
Minimal changes to long-term estimates

Q3: Sales growth of 15%, EBIT margin of 22.6% (22.2%)

Generic reported solid Q3 numbers with net sales of SEK 34.7m (+15% y-o-y, all organic), as the gradual sales recovery throughout 2023 continued after the slower start in Q1. EBIT of SEK 7.8m (6.7m) grew 16% y-o-y as we now saw some opex growth, as was not the case in H1. We think the company will continue to expand its opex short-term and that we should see limited scalability in the coming quarters. Long-term however, we think that the deal with Inera will enhance profitability further, similar to the situation when Generic brought in Försäkringskassan as a customer in 2021. The EBIT margin expanded 2.5pp that year, although we are a bit more cautious on what the Inera deal can bring, and forecast a 1.4 p.p. uplift between '24e and '25e.
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