Innofactor: Divestment secures a solid start - Evli Research
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Innofactor: Divestment secures a solid start - Evli Research

Q1 boosted by divestment one-off

Innofactor will publish its Q1 results on April 27th. Innofactor earlier announced that it had agreed to sell its resource management software solution business, Innofactor Prime, to Total Specific Solutions. The transaction is to have a positive impact of approx. EUR 2.6m on Q1/21 EBITDA and a negative impact of approx. EUR 2.0m on 2021 sales. As such, Innofactor should report exceptionally strong EBITDA in Q1/21, with our estimate at EUR 4.8m. We expect sales to continue on the modest growth trend seen in late 2020 and expect sales to grow 4.4% to EUR 17.9m. Growth is supported by the positive development of the order backlog, which at the end of 2020 was up some 21% y/y.

Expecting to see measures to boost growth

With the divestment of Innofactor Prime we have lowered our 2021 sales estimates and slightly lowered our profitability figures (excl. Prime div.). We now expect sales of EUR 68.4m (2020: 66.2m) and EBITDA (excl. Prime div.) of EUR 8.9m (2020: EUR 7.2m). Innofactor expects net sales and EBITDA in 2021 to grow compared with 2020. Innofactor’s cash position was at a healthy level already at the end of 2020, now further strengthened by the proceeds from the Prime divestment, and it is likely only a matter of time until acquisitions start picking up again to speed up growth.

BUY with a target price of EUR 2.2 (1.75)

Innofactor’s share price has now recovered from the dip in previous years and valuation is no longer quite as cheap. Compared to peers, valuation is still not too stretched. We expect to start seeing measures to boost growth further, which would further warrant higher multiples. We adjust our TP to EUR 2.2 (1.75) and retain our BUY-rating.

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