Innofactor: Good start to the year - Evli Research
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Innofactor: Good start to the year - Evli Research

Q1 well in line with our estimates

Innofactor reported Q1 results that were well in line with our expectations. Revenue grew 3.8% to EUR 17.8m (Evli EUR 17.9m) while EBITDA amounted to EUR 4.7m (Evli EUR 4.8m). EBITDA included the EUR 2.6m one-off relating to the Prime business divestment and the adj. EBITDA of EUR 2.1m showed growth of 7.3% y/y. The order backlog in Q1 was at a record level of EUR 68.9m (+27.4% y/y), aided by the biggest individual deal in Innofactor’s history signed with the Finnish Tax Administration. The report overall did not hold any material negative news in our view. Management comments on the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic and sales development outside Finland, were sales have been more challenging, were modestly upbeat.

No notable changes to our estimates

Our estimates remain essentially intact apart from minor adjustments due to lower than estimated acquisition amortizations in Q1. We expect sales in 2021 to grow 3.4% y/y (comparable growth 6.3%) to EUR 68.4m and EBITDA (excl. Prime div.) to amount to EUR 8.7m. In relation to the past years performance our growth assumptions appear unmerited and the company still has quite a lot to prove in terms of growth. With the record-high order backlog and management comments on the impacts of the pandemic and sales development outside Finland, pick-up in sales growth should certainly be within grasp.

BUY with a target price of EUR 2.2

With no major changes to our estimates or the investment case we retain our target price of EUR 2.2 and BUY-rating. Our TP values Innofactor slightly below peers, which we see justified given its track-record in previous years.
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