Innofactor: Solid growth pace continues - Evli
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Innofactor: Solid growth pace continues - Evli

Innofactor’s Q1 results were good and surpassed our expectations. Net sales grew 19.2% y/y to EUR 20.2m (Evli EUR 18.3m). EBITDA amounted to EUR 2.5m (Evli EUR 2.2m). Guidance reiterated, Innofactor’s net sales and EBITDA in 2023 are expected to increase compared with 2022.

Innofactor’s Q1 results were good and surpassed our expectations. Net sales grew 19.2% y/y to EUR 20.2m (Evli EUR 18.3m). EBITDA amounted to EUR 2.5m (Evli EUR 2.2m). Guidance reiterated, Innofactor’s net sales and EBITDA in 2023 are expected to increase compared with 2022.
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