Intervacc: Another step closer to Strangvac sales - ABG
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Intervacc: Another step closer to Strangvac sales - ABG

On track for Strangvac launch in Q4
Progress towards other markets and applications
Q3 EBIT of SEK -8.3m with cash at SEK 128m

Preparations ahead of the launch of Strangvac continue, with production of the first batch ongoing. The fusion proteins that cause the immune response have already been produced, and it is now producing the saline and additive that is mixed into the final product. Produced batches require an approval by the EMA before sales, which is expected by year-end, for the initial launch in Sweden. In Europe, Strangvac’s addressable market is 6 million horses, with horse influenza vaccination rates of 70% in the Nordics, Germany and France and 40-50% in the UK serving as a good initial reference point for the potential. The company is looking to sell two doses per horse per year, creating a growing recurring revenue stream as the number of vaccinated horses increases. We note inventories increased by ~SEK 3m in the quarter, suggesting increased readiness ahead of launch.

Net sales in the quarter were SEK 1.3m, growing 8% y-o-y. The company continues to increase costs ahead of the launch of Strangvac, with EBIT of SEK -8.3m (SEK -6.4m). The company continues to hold a strong cash position of SEK 128.3m.
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