MT Højgaard Holding: A surprise upgrade for ’21 and guidance for ‘22 - ABG
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MT Højgaard Holding: A surprise upgrade for ’21 and guidance for ‘22 - ABG

Increasing EBIT guidance by 16% for ‘21e
Guides sales of DKK 8bn and 3.5% EBIT margin for ‘22e
High visibility in cyclical company gives comfort

This afternoon, MTHH increased its guidance for 2021 and published an early forecast for 2022. The company now guides 2021 revenue of DKK 7.1bn (ABGSCe: DKK 6.8bn, Cons. 6.9bn) (prev. DKK 6.8bn) and EBIT b.s.i. of DKK ~185m (ABGSCe: DKK 171m, Cons. DKK 196m) (prev. DKK 160m). This is a 4% and 16% increase in sales and EBIT vs. previous estimate. The margin is thus implicitly increased by 0.2pp to 2.6% and is 8% higher than our estimates and -6% vs. cons. The management says, they are more comfortable in the timing of projects (esp. in MTH DK) and have increased confidence in meeting the milestones of their troubled contracts of Niels Bohr, NAU and Gødstrup. E&P and MTH Project are expected by the management to deliver a solid H2’21, whereas MTH Int. remains in tailwind markets.

Despite a weaker earnings guidance for 2022, a strong upgrade for 2021 and higher visibility should give some confidence in the underlying business.
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