MT Højgaard Holding: Surpringly strong order intake. Outlook maintained - ABG
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MT Højgaard Holding: Surpringly strong order intake. Outlook maintained - ABG

Revenues and EBIT 2 and 14% ahead of expectations
Order intake of DKK 2.78bn came in 25% ahead of our numbers
Share should react positvely to order intake

Guidance maintained, as expected

Q2'24 revenues grew 7% to DKK 2,665m and came in 2% above our forecast. EBIT grew 53% to DKK 124m (14% above our estimate) for an EBIT margin of 4.7% versus our 4.1% forecast. The order intake of DKK 2,780m was surprisingly strong versus our DKK 2,218m forecast. The company maintains its FY'24 guidance as expected. We see the share trading up a bit on the strong order intake.
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