Paxman: Big step towards standard of care in the US - Redeye
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Paxman: Big step towards standard of care in the US - Redeye

Redeye comments on the announcement of the achievement of a significant milestone as AMA Issues Permanent CPT® Category I Codes for Scalp Cooling, Effective January 2026. This is a big step towards scalp cooling becoming the standard of care in the US and is highly favorable for the scalp cooling industry as a whole. This news supports our positive long-term view of Paxman and its growth opportunities. We maintain our Base case of SEK 80 per share with more confidence in the growth outlook.

Redeye comments on the announcement of the achievement of a significant milestone as AMA Issues Permanent CPT® Category I Codes for Scalp Cooling, Effective January 2026. This is a big step towards scalp cooling becoming the standard of care in the US and is highly favorable for the scalp cooling industry as a whole. This news supports our positive long-term view of Paxman and its growth opportunities. We maintain our Base case of SEK 80 per share with more confidence in the growth outlook.
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