SenzaGen: SEK1.5m grant from RIFM - Redeye
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SenzaGen: SEK1.5m grant from RIFM - Redeye

Redeye endorses SenzaGen’s continued collaboration with RIFM. The company received a SEK1.5m grant to conduct tests using the GARDskin Dose-Response method. We view this development positively, given that RIFM's members include major cosmetics companies, which could have a potential interest in SenzaGen's offering.

Redeye endorses SenzaGen’s continued collaboration with RIFM. The company received a SEK1.5m grant to conduct tests using the GARDskin Dose-Response method. We view this development positively, given that RIFM's members include major cosmetics companies, which could have a potential interest in SenzaGen's offering.
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