Q4: Sales +8% y-o-y, adj. EBIT margin 8.3% (12.5%)
Studsvik reported Q4 sales of SEK 247m (228m) with assumed organic growth of +4% y-o-y. Adj. EBIT was SEK 20.6m (28.5m), as Fuel and Material Technologies (F&MT) still operates below historical profitability levels after the production challenges seen during Q3. It improved significantly q-o-q, though, and management seems to be optimistic about the business area returning to similar profitability as in the past. Decommissioning saw solid sales growth, albeit with muted profitability, as Q4 had a negative calendar effect. Scandpower saw both strong growth and profitability and almost managed to offset weaknesses in the other business areas with adj. EBIT 4% below ABGSCe. Sales was 7% above ABGSCe.