Tobii: All eyes on cost savings - SEB
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Tobii: All eyes on cost savings - SEB

While the general market outlook continues to be uncertain with exceptional lumpiness between quarters, Tobii has increasingly turned to a cost focus, including reaping synergies from its acquisition of Autosense. Delivering those cost initiatives is key for the case, as we see it. After lowering revenue by 3% for 2024E-26E, our new fair value range is SEK 2.7-4.0 per share (3-5) with a mid-point of SEK 3.3 (4) per share.

While the general market outlook continues to be uncertain with exceptional lumpiness between quarters, Tobii has increasingly turned to a cost focus, including reaping synergies from its acquisition of Autosense. Delivering those cost initiatives is key for the case, as we see it. After lowering revenue by 3% for 2024E-26E, our new fair value range is SEK 2.7-4.0 per share (3-5) with a mid-point of SEK 3.3 (4) per share.
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