Vicore Pharma: Positioned for the Top - Redeye
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Vicore Pharma: Positioned for the Top - Redeye

Redeye updates its view on Vicore following an eventful year for the company and its increasingly compelling pipeline. We raise our Base Case to SEK 75 (64) per share largely thanks to progressively strong data for lead project C21 in IPF and adjust the rest of our sum-of-the-parts valuation owing to our mounting confidence in its pipeline.

Redeye updates its view on Vicore following an eventful year for the company and its increasingly compelling pipeline. We raise our Base Case to SEK 75 (64) per share largely thanks to progressively strong data for lead project C21 in IPF and adjust the rest of our sum-of-the-parts valuation owing to our mounting confidence in its pipeline.
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