Xvivo: STAR is small, bright and promising - Redeye
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Xvivo: STAR is small, bright and promising - Redeye

We regard the STAR Teams acquisition as a synergistic vertical integration case. STAR stands for Specialized Transplant AI-adapted (lung and heart organ), a military-style action team providing a professional organ recovery service 24/7/365 for transplant centres. STAR's business model combines a prescription fee plus an execution fee. Potential synergies include cross-selling into more specialist centres, integration of new XVIVO solutions, and STAR can also benefit from XVIVO's US infrastructure. STAR is growing at a rate of well beyond 100% pa from a small base, and the potential future business impact is more significant than the immediate financial impact.

We regard the STAR Teams acquisition as a synergistic vertical integration case. STAR stands for Specialized Transplant AI-adapted (lung and heart organ), a military-style action team providing a professional organ recovery service 24/7/365 for transplant centres. STAR's business model combines a prescription fee plus an execution fee. Potential synergies include cross-selling into more specialist centres, integration of new XVIVO solutions, and STAR can also benefit from XVIVO's US infrastructure. STAR is growing at a rate of well beyond 100% pa from a small base, and the potential future business impact is more significant than the immediate financial impact.
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