Xvivo: Updated outlook - Redeye
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Xvivo: Updated outlook - Redeye

Redeye updates our outlook after Q4 2022 XVIVO. The result confirms that the key value drivers are on fire and the outlook is positive. XVIVO beat both our and market expectations. We make a minor positive top line revision and increase our OPEX for 2023 and 2024 reflecting investments in ongoing and approaching launches. We increase our base case to SEK 385 (375) with a Bull of SEK 800 (785) and a Bear case of SEK 105 (105).

Redeye updates our outlook after Q4 2022 XVIVO. The result confirms that the key value drivers are on fire and the outlook is positive. XVIVO beat both our and market expectations. We make a minor positive top line revision and increase our OPEX for 2023 and 2024 reflecting investments in ongoing and approaching launches. We increase our base case to SEK 385 (375) with a Bull of SEK 800 (785) and a Bear case of SEK 105 (105).
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