Atria: Records EUR 40m goodwill impairment – no cash flow impact - Nordea
Bildkälla: Stockfoto

Atria: Records EUR 40m goodwill impairment – no cash flow impact - Nordea

Atria records approximately EUR 40m in goodwill impairments (EUR 20m in Atria Sweden and EUR 20m in Atria Denmark). Impairment does not come as a big surprise and we were expecting impairment especially in Denmark due to higher interest rates and somewhat soft performance. Impaiments will not have cash flow impact and Atria’s equity ratio remains at a healthy level. In Q3 2023, equity ratio was 43.6% and we calculate 2.3 pp negative impact from the impairment. Following the impairment, Atria has some EUR 15m of goodwill in Denmark and some EUR 37m in Sweden.

Atria records approximately EUR 40m in goodwill impairments (EUR 20m in Atria Sweden and EUR 20m in Atria Denmark). Impairment does not come as a big surprise and we were expecting impairment especially in Denmark due to higher interest rates and somewhat soft performance. Impaiments will not have cash flow impact and Atria’s equity ratio remains at a healthy level. In Q3 2023, equity ratio was 43.6% and we calculate 2.3 pp negative impact from the impairment. Following the impairment, Atria has some EUR 15m of goodwill in Denmark and some EUR 37m in Sweden.
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