Gofore: Monthly sales report: Above (hiked) estimates again - SEB
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Gofore: Monthly sales report: Above (hiked) estimates again - SEB

Gofore posted August sales well above (+7%) our estimate, with reported y/y growth at >50%. Its organic growth is not showing any signs of decelerating; in fact, just the opposite. The higher sales were made with greater-than-expected resources, but the daily invoicing per FTE was higher than we had expected and improved 5% from previous year, which is enough to offset inflation, we think. All in all, another solid monthly data point, in our view.

Gofore posted August sales well above (+7%) our estimate, with reported y/y growth at >50%. Its organic growth is not showing any signs of decelerating; in fact, just the opposite. The higher sales were made with greater-than-expected resources, but the daily invoicing per FTE was higher than we had expected and improved 5% from previous year, which is enough to offset inflation, we think. All in all, another solid monthly data point, in our view.
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