Intervacc: Horses, roll up a sleeve! - ABG
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Intervacc: Horses, roll up a sleeve! - ABG

Strangvac made availible for sale in Sweden
In line with expectations of a Q1 launch
Sweden is home to 350k out the 6m horses in Europe

Strangvac is now availible for sale in Sweden, on time
Intervacc has reached its next big milestone after finally taking Strangvac to the commerical phase today. The first batch has been released to its logistics partner, making the product availible for sale in Sweden. After the product information has been registered in the system used by pharmacies, which usually takes a couple of days, veterinarians can begin purchasing and administering Strangvac to horses. Although today’s news is in line with Intervacc’s previous communication of releasing Strangvac before end of Q1, we appreciate that the uncertainty regarding the timing is now removed.

Addressing 350k horses in Sweden, 6m EU market to follow
With one week left of the quarter, we do not expect Strangvac to contribute with any meaningful sales in Q1. There are around 350k horses in Sweden and Intervacc will together with Dechra, its EU commerical partner, launch Strangvac market by market, to address the full six million European horse market, where it is already approved. We believe Strangvac addresses a high unmet need to reduce the severity of infections and the spread of strangles. With high efficacy, limited competition, and a good blueprint in equine influenza vaccinations, we see strong rationale for high penetration down the line.
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