Enersense International: Divests wind and solar development business - SEB
Bildkälla: Stockfoto

Enersense International: Divests wind and solar development business - SEB

Enersense is selling its wind and solar project development business to the Finnish energy company Fortum. The transaction price consists of fixed cash price of EUR 9.25m and a variable price of up to EUR 74m, which is based on the progress of development projects and investment decisions made by Fortum. Enersense estimates a probability-weighted variable price of EUR 33m. We have estimated that the total probability-weighted value range is EUR 31-66m for the whole pipeline.

Enersense is selling its wind and solar project development business to the Finnish energy company Fortum. The transaction price consists of fixed cash price of EUR 9.25m and a variable price of up to EUR 74m, which is based on the progress of development projects and investment decisions made by Fortum. Enersense estimates a probability-weighted variable price of EUR 33m. We have estimated that the total probability-weighted value range is EUR 31-66m for the whole pipeline.
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